I Am Woman Project
In the spring of 2022, I started a new project called the I Am Woman Project 22. I had recently visited an exhibition of the work of the phenomenal artist Louise Bourgeois and was so taken by the ambition of her suspended female fabric forms, that I went away and started wondering if I could create a 2D woman out of fabric. I wanted to create a woman out of the experiences of other women of being a woman. The concept began to grow in my mind. How would I create her and how big would she be and where would I get these experiences from?
In the end I decided that she needed to be big and that these experiences would be submitted in the form of a patch which I would then use to construct her by sewing these pieces together. I created an account on Instagram and posted a Call Out asking those who would like to take part to submit a piece. I also asked them to explain the reasons behind their submission in the form of an enclosed letter and the results were profound, emotional and incredibly powerful.
A majority of the stories told with the submissions, had never been shared before and what soon transpired was a thread of similarities in each of the women's experiences. From this, a foundation of support and strength began to grow as I posted these reasons (with permission) on the Instagram feed. To have lived with an experience for so many years thinking that it had only happened to you, suddenly became obsolete after other women began to realize that others had also been through something similar to them.
It became apparent from the testimonies enclosed with the submissions that most women at some point in their lives, had experienced some form of mental or physical abuse. These stories need to be shared and heard so that all women will no longer feel isolated by their own experience. Whilst sharing these stories may not eradicate the individual incident, hearing them, I hope will offer some sort of support and make carrying them lighter. I also wanted to make a piece that said this is what being a woman is like and that these incidents have to stop.
Every aspect of her construction involved women. I used a duvet cover donated by a friend as her canvas on which I drew around my daughter.
Over the next three years I hand sewed all the pieces into her outline like a giant patchwork. I had been sent a number of pieces that seemed more relevant placed in some of her anatomical areas which they made reference too, so I placed pieces where they seemed most impactful and appropriate.
As she grew and I posted her growth online and more women got in touch and asked if they could add to the project. I said yes and more pieces followed.
Once I had completed her body, I placed the additional pieces around her.
Once I had sewn all the submissions, I decided I wanted to add the names of everyone who was part of the final project. I then sewed all of their names onto individual fabric labels and then framed the woman with them.
In 2025 she will be exhibited in an exhibition at The House of Small gallery in Edinburgh called Contexture OPEN CALLS | UPCOMING EVENTS | Edinburgh Art Gallery | The House of Smalls
I would like to thank all the women who took the time to create their pieces and for sharing their stories with me and each other and the world.
In the end this became a global project and includes pieces from all over the world.
There are 61 name labels, and she measures 6ft 5” x 8ft 5”
In my own life I have sometimes found it hard to be a woman, but I am so glad that I am one.
You’re all incredible and I thank you all so much for taking part.